Friday, February 8, 2008

First Entry

Well, I started a blog due to the recomendation of one Derek Rusty Johnson. I'm not really sure how these work, but I guess I'll just talk about my work for right now. I'm currently co-oping at a company in Erlanger that makes presses. Anyway, it can be pretty boring sometimes. The most entertainment in the day is usually listening to the customer service guy (Bob) freak-out. Yesterday he started cursing after a conversation on the phone... "Sh*t, EFF, Sh*t!" (I'll keep this PG for all you kids out there) Today was probably the best so far. He was notified yesterday that he would be getting a new laptop, but the tech guy had to take his old one to do it, and he was given a substitute computer in the mean time. Well, today I came in and he was calling the tech guy franticaly (techy only works on certain days). "Ahh, yeah David please call me back, we've got a huge problem." Apparently the server was freaking out, and when Bob went to go open his emails on the substitute laptop, it started to delete all of his emails, one at a time. The worst part, is that it makes a ding sound every time one is trashed, so all of a sudden the laptop just started to rattle off all these dings. By the time Bob was able to stop it, he had lost 80 emails from already angry customers. Later on the day I was able to ask him if they had fixed the email problem and he said something like,"They can't find them anywhere. The server deleted everything that is missing from my account and I have no way of knowing what is gone. I'm pretty much Effed."
Well, that's enough for today. Tune in next week for another episode of James' office.(This isn't really going to be a series)